A week before the official Dubrovnik Dub Bowl tournament, the Dubrovnik Tennis Academy holds the Dubrovnik Dub Bowl Preparation Camp. The camp’s program is designed specifically to enhance the players’ mental and physical abilities in preparation for the tournament.
Dubrovnik Tennis Academy offers comprehensive program of challenging trainings and competitions. The Academy schedule consists of technical, strategy , physical and mental program that will help you improve your game skills.
Dubrovnik Tennis Academy offers individual one-on-one trainings and personalized approach. Our professional coaches will tailor your tennis development to help your game reach a higher level.
If you find yourself in Dubrovnik – make sure you combine your tourist activities with tennis program.
Tennis Center Dubrovnik tailors your holiday according to your preferences, length of your stay, level of play and social interests.
Family tennis holidays in Dubrovnik are a perfect way to spend active holidays and get involved in the game of tennis while still relaxing and enjoying the city of Dubrovnik. At Tennis Center Dubrovnik you can learn new tennis skills while creating even stronger bond with your family over this unique tennis experience.
Ukupno je odigrano 130 mečeva na terenima Tenis centra Dubrovnik. Prvi, kvalifikacijski, počeli su u 9 sati u subotu, 14. listopada, a zadnji meč, finale juniora, zaključeno je malo prije 17 sati u nedjelju, 22. listopada.
We will be hosting Easter Dubrovnik Dub Bowl Camp. Join during easter break in the week of 18-22 April. The Camp will be followed by U12 Tournament on 23rd April.
A week prior to the official Dubrovnik Dub Bowl tournament, Dubrovnik Tennis Academy organises Dubrovnik Dub Bowl Preparation Camp. The camp programme is uniquely created to improve player’s mental and physical skills for the upcoming tournament