Dubrovnik Dub Bowl Invitation Letter (2023) – Tenis Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik Dub Bowl Invitation Letter (2023)

Autor: ibarovic
event 12.02.2023.

Tournament CEO, Pasko Barović invites You to become a #dubbowlplayer and compete at Dubrovnik Dub Bowl – a place #wherenextgenmeets

Dear participants and parents,

Tennis Center Dubrovnik is proudly presenting 9th Dubrovnik Dub Bowl International Tournaments U11 and U13. In 2021, we welcomed participants from 69 world countries! You are invited to represent Your nation in this extraordinary sport where technique, self-confidence and knowledge are key to success.

Pleasure of young tennis participants, which will be in top of world tennis one day, positivity of their parents, great atmosphere, good organization, and one of the most beautiful cities in the world proved to be winning combination and motivated us to improve tournament quality in all aspects. „Dubrovnik Dub Bowl“ is much more than a casual tennis tournament; it is a place where lifetime memories and friendships are made throughout multiple activities for everyone.

Additional to tournaments, guest speakers from professional tennis world will join us and provide lectures for participants and parents. During multiple activities and tours You will recognize some of the greatest sight-seeing in Dubrovnik and carry them in your heart everywhere You go. Cultural experience and exchange, as well as creating friendships will be followed by many quality tennis matches. „Dubrovnik Dub Bowl“ is a tournament where fair-play, tolerance and respect are the highest values that we want younger generations to inherit.

On this tournament every participant is a winner, disregard result. Hard work and effort invested from TCD was recognized by one of the most successful tennis players ever, Goran Ivanišević. At this very place, he started refining his coaching abilities with children and decided to reward winners of „Dubrovnik Dub Bowl“ with complementary participation in his Summer camp hosted in Dubrovnik. We consider it great honor to have positive feedback from number 1 female tennis player in the world after her children participated in „Junior Grand Slam“.

The mission of the tournament is to provide development for future tennis stars. Every participant is to feel like the winner with multiple matches played with various opponents from all around the globe, gaining experience for further carrier development. Participants that win first place in competition will be awarded with free tennis camps vouchers and a contract with leading tennis equipment brands. The overall goal of the tournament is to present to parents and participants the feeling of participating in a grand slam tournament. We are awaiting Your applications – more than happy to see You becoming a part of this exceptional tennis sport story

Pasko Barović, Tournament Director

Here you can find results & schedule of the Dub Bowl 2024 tournament.
Please note: the results are organized per day.

U13 Order of Play for Sunday 14.07.2024.

U11 Order of Play for Sunday 14.07.2024.

U13 Order of Play for Saturday 13.07.2024.

U11 Order of Play for Saturday 13.07.2024.