About Dubrovnik Dub Bowl – Tenis Dubrovnik

About Dubrovnik Dub Bowl

Autor: ibarovic
event 14.02.2022.
pasko nova

Dubrovnik Dub Bow – often referred to as “U13 and U11 world championship” is known for gathering world’s best junior players to come and compete in one of the largest and prosperous tournaments in the world. In eight year of its existence, Dubrovnik Dub Bowl gathered over 1,000 players from 65 world countries.



REGISTRATION DAY – A day before official Dubrovnik Dub Bowl start date is set for personal registration and obtainment of official Dub Bowl ID.

DAY I – After the first Dubrovnik Dub Bowl matches, traditional opening ceremony is held in the evening hours of the first Dubrovnik Dub Bowl day. Accompanied by journalists, TV & social media broadcast and dance groups, players are introduced to the audience and Dubrovnik Dub Bowl is officially opened.

DAY II – long day of round robin matches is done and players are off to players’ pool party to enjoy themselves after a tennis day. Players and their parents, team and coaches spend fun times at one of the nicest spots in Dubrovnik – bay of Babin Kuk watching the sunset, enjoying in food and drinks, dancing with animators and swimming in the pool. Players’ party became traditional part in series of events through which Dub Bowl team promotes tolerance, respect and fair play in hopes for them being inherited not only in tennis, but also in all other aspects of life.

DAY III – Third day of Dubrovnik Dub Bowl is the most memorable day for all participants. Kid’s day is  traditional part of Dubrovnik Dub Bowl Tournament, held on one of most beautiful and unique streets in the world– Stradun. The millennial picture of Dubrovnik Dub Bowl is within minutes sent across the world to every Dubrovnik Dub Bowl  participant country. Player’s get interviewed by media and our official Dubrovnik Dub Bowl host in the heart of Old Town. Followed by interviews and millennial photograph, main and consolation draw is held in Rector’s palace.

DAY IV – Fourth day is the first day of main and consolation draw matches. Other than the beginning of new stage of the tournament, this is also a starting point for players who wish to compete in doubles as well. At the end of day four, Dubrovnik Dub Bowl team provides its players and their friends with free movie screening.

DAY V – Sixth day is tennis day consisted of long hours of quality matches in which players compete for their place in semifinals. Doubles matches continue throughout the day.

DAY VI – Day of semifinals Consolation and Main Draws as well as final rounds of Doubles.

DAY VII – Final day of Dubrovnik Dub Bowl is reserved for final matches. Finalists get treatment of professional ATP and WTA tennis players with ball kids, chair umpire, interviews and live streaming. During the traditional closing ceremony, the winners are awarded with the trophies and awards set for years’ edition. All awards are handed to our participants by main referees, Dubrovnik Dub Bowl directors and Tournament sponsors.


Here you can find results & schedule of the Dub Bowl 2024 tournament.
Please note: the results are organized per day.

U13 Order of Play for Sunday 14.07.2024.

U11 Order of Play for Sunday 14.07.2024.

U13 Order of Play for Saturday 13.07.2024.

U11 Order of Play for Saturday 13.07.2024.

TK Ragusa je izborila finale kvalifikacija za veći rang, Drugu hrvatsku ligu,

Gužva je na terenima u Gospinom polju. Igraju trideset i dvije najbolje djevojčice do 10 godina, te isto tako 32 najbolja dječaka u istom uzrastu.

Ukupno je odigrano 130 mečeva na terenima Tenis centra Dubrovnik. Prvi, kvalifikacijski, počeli su u 9 sati u subotu, 14. listopada, a zadnji meč, finale juniora, zaključeno je malo prije 17 sati u nedjelju, 22. listopada.

We look forward to sharing the final day of Dubrovnik Dub Bowl 2022 with You.

KIDS DAY on Stradun & DRAW CEREMONY in Sponza

11 JULY Personal Sign in GALLERY